Tuesday, November 16, 2010

No 'Barely-get-by'attitude

Deuteronomy 28:1-3 says
If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all His commands I give you today…you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.

God wants to pour out His blessings on you. Living in obedience is the key that unlocks the door to His abundance.
When you put God and His Word first place in your life, the Bible says you’ll be blessed in the city and in the country; that means you will be blessed wherever you go.

This chapter goes on to say that you will be so blessed that you will even lend and not borrow.

Can you see yourself in that position?

Can you see yourself living in that kind of abundance?

It’s not God’s plan for you to live with a “barely-get-by” attitude. Our God is more than enough, Get a vision for that in your heart.

Make room in your thoughts for the blessing of God.

See yourself as a vessel of God’s blessing in the lives of others.
As you live a life of obedience, you will prosper in all of your ways.

I believe that His purpose will happen through you,
Be prepared to meet HIM. He's coming soon! 

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